Thursday, July 19, 2007

ATTN: Blogger

Fuck you.
Your formatting, while seemingly simple and user-friendly on the outside, is secretly a hellish nightmare world where cows eat their still-screaming young and lingering souls pray for a death that will never come.
Here's an idea: Instead of giving me text sizes ranging from "Smallest" to "Largest", why don't you join 1996, where people started giving fonts numbered sizes? Ingenious!
Ooh, and I got one: Why not ditch the (apparently mandatory) feature where every picture I upload must be labeled as either "Small" "Medium" or "Large"? This never works out well for anyone! Pictures always come out stretched or poorly condensed.
All I want is for my posts to look homogenized, be consistent within themselves (for chrissake), and not have to worry that if (heaven forbid!) I need to edit a post, my font will suddenly be Goliath-sized for no good reason.
Fuck you,

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